Saturday, July 4, 2020

Blighted Ones

Blighted Ones are humans who have succumbed to a fungal parasite. From the moment of infection, they have mere days before the fungus takes control of their bodies. 

In the RPG...

Blighted Ones are new to the 7e Malleus Monstrorum, and are easily my favourite of the additions. They are essentially the Call of Cthulhu version of the infected from The Last of Us, right down to their animalistic nature once the fungus has taken over.
    Stats-wise, they get a decent boost from those of the host. SIZ stays the same, which makes sense, and they lose all INT due to being a fungus, but both STR and DEX get doubled, and CON gets a re-roll which averages 70, rather than the host's average of 50. POW is also re-rolled, but this time with a lower value, again due to them becoming a mindless zombie.
    Despite being mindless, they are driven to one end, and that is to spread the infection. They have an "ability" to put their mouth over another's, and transfer fungal spores into them. It takes a Hard CON roll from the target to not become infected. It has a pretty low chance of success, however, so would not be too threatening.
    The Blighted One's fungal form grants them a single point of armour, which is trivial, though impaling weapons do minimum damage, which means that clubs and even fists are preferable.
    It should be noted that the 7e Malleus Monstrorum has the incorrect hit-points listed. It should be 13, not 12.

In a video game...

It's pretty safe to say that The Last of Us has this one covered.

In a film...

I could be wrong, but I believe there's a film adaptation of The Last of Us in the works. Even if there isn't, there are also the films Cargo and The Girl with All the Gifts which both feature fungal zombies, so they are definitely not something new.

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