Saturday, February 4, 2023


Bast—or Bastet—is the Egyptian Cat Goddess, typically appearing as a woman with a cat's head, though she can appear as a regular person or a regular cat (large or small) as well.

Because deities aren't really something you can combat in Call of Cthulhu, I'm not sure whether I want to include any. I chose Bast as a test to see if, perhaps, human-sized deities might be interesting to write about, but found that facing her would definitely be a death sentence for any investigators. I did still find it fun working out just how deadly she truly is, so I'm still on the fence as to whether I'll write more. I'll read up on some others and decide later. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy reading about how easily Bast would take out your PCs...

Bast has 200 DEX, so—outside of a surprise attack—will always have the first action, regardless of whether investigators' guns are drawn. She only has a melee attack, but can move up to 20 yards before attacking. She can also move 100 yards if needing to (moving to the bottom of the DEX rank), so would easily close the distance on any attacker.
    For a base-level investigator fighting Bast, they only have a 17% chance of winning if she is fighting back. If she’s dodging, this goes down to a mere 8%. Even a master fighter (90%) only has a 62% and 29% chance respectively. Considering how deadly Bast is (see below), the Keeper should probably opt for Bast to dodge all attacks . . . unless seeking a TPK.
    Bast only has 19 hit-points, but she can use magic-points to heal, so unless she’s recently cast a spell, this essentially gives her 49 hit-points, making her very hard to take down. Even with a shotgun at close range, it would take four shots on average to take Bast out, and for a base-level investigator, that would take 16 rounds on average to achieve. Even if there were four investigators, that would still be four rounds, which, as you’ll read below, is plenty of time for her to take them all out.
    If she does attack, her chance of success against a base-level investigator who is fighting back is 91%. If they’re dodging (assuming an average dodge of 25%), her chances are still 82%. Against a master fighter, the chances are 71% and 82% (the odds don’t crossover until their dodge is 42%+).
    Bast gets three attacks per round, of which even a single one has a 50% chance of killing an average investigator. Hopefully a Keeper would not be evil enough to target multiple attacks upon one player, but hypothetically, if they were to, two hits only have a 0.45% chance of survival, while three hits is not even worth considering. Even your average Pulp hero only has a 4% chance of surviving three hits.

So in conclusion, having such a high chance to hit, combined with her claws dealing enough damage to take out an investigator in one or two swipes, it's clear that Bast is way too deadly to have fighting investigators. If they were to attack her for whatever reason, I would personally have her dodge every one with grace and agility. Perhaps she could use her own attacks to toy with them, such as a cat does with a mouse. Maybe slicing their clothing, or flicking their glasses off, or damaging their weapon (do weapons have hit-points?). Even if they did manage to get a hit in, it's unlikely to do any real damage, and she could simply react with a wave of her finger or a shake of her head and a "Tut tut tut" to show she's not mad . . . just disappointed.

If anyone is reading this, let me know what you think of the different format, and also if you'd like to see me do any other human-level deities. They will mostly be avatars, but could still be interesting to deep-dive on.

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