Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Death-Vines of Xiclotl

Large, carnivorous, intelligent, purple flowers with tentacles. They are able to launch their seeds with enough force to reach space, and subsequently land upon distant worlds throughout the galaxy.

In the RPG...

With a name like "Death-Vines", you'd expect that these creatures were pretty deadly... and they actually are. The tentacles themselves can crush a victim with an average of 10 damage, or simply feed them alive directly to the blossom, which exudes a corrosive enzyme. It is said that a victim can break free by winning an opposed STR or DEX roll, but even against the lower DEX and average person only has a 27% chance. While not specified, I imagine they would still then need to somehow neutralise the acid on their skin.
    One other trait of the Death-Vines is that they have a hypnotic pollen that, upon a failed opposed POW roll, disorients a target enough to give them two Penalty Dice on all actions for 4-9 rounds. There's a 73% chance of an average person suffering these effects.
    The 7e Malleus Monstrorum has decreased the Death-Vine's STR, CON, and SIZ, as well as decreasing the range of INT. It has also changed them from being completely immobile, to having a Move of 2.

In a video game...

Death-Vines of Xiclotl seem like pretty interesting enemies, so I would definitely include them somehow.

In a film...

I think they're interesting enough to be used as a horror movie monster.

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