Sunday, January 22, 2023

Crawling Ones

Crawling Ones are composed of thousands of worms, maggots, and bugs, and though individually alive and moving, generally hold the shape of a human. The silent mass share a kind of hive-mind of the dead sorcerer that animated them.

In the RPG...

Due to the nature of their "body", Crawling Ones take minimal damage from normal weapons, and bullets only cause one point of damage—except shotguns, which do minimum damage as well. They are more likely to use spells in a fight than hand-to-hand or weaponry, though they can do if needed. The 7e Malleus Monstrorum has increased the Cold Ones' STR and INT slightly, as well as given a melee attack which the previous edition left out.

In a video game...

Crawling Ones would be pretty cool in a video game I'd imagine. Seeing one coalesce out of the ground and crawl towards you while your bullets have little to no effect at stopping it would be pretty damn terrifying.

In a film...

I think The Festival would make for a great short film.

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