Friday, January 27, 2023

Spawn of Nyogtha

The Spawn of Nyogtha are the offspring of blasphemous unions between humans, ghouls, and Nyogtha. The children produced by these matings degenerate into shapeless abominations after about three decades. Until this stage they easily pass as human, though they have viscous, black ichor running through their veins, so a medical examination could give them away. Once transformed, however, their torso and limbs have a bloated corpulence, yet the monstrous form maintains skeletal hands and face, though with hideously distorted features, razor-sharp talons, lupine fangs, and bulging eyes with hellish crimson orbs.

In the RPG...

While human, all of the Spawn's stats are within human range, though STR, CON, POW, and APP are on the higher end (I'm not sure why they would have above-average looks, but there you go). Ranges for CON, DEX, and POW have all changed in the 7e Malleus Monstrorum, though their averages have remained the same. Inversely, the range for APP has stayed the same while its average has been lowered.
    The Spawn's degeneration into its monstrous form begins between 33 and 60 years of age (46 average), though the 7e Malleus Monstrorum simply says 30 to 60, with no dice roll specified. Once begun, the change only takes a few months. 
    Once in this form, STR and SIZ increase significantly, DEX decreases, and APP vanishes altogether, while the rest remain the same. Whether in human or monstrous form, the Spawn of Nyogtha are immune to fire, acid, radioactivity, and electricity, and take only minimum damage from impaling weapons. While not specified, I would assume their omission means non-impaling weapons do normal damage.
    Another unique trait they have is a maneuver whereby they pull a victim to themselves, sending many worm-like tendrils into every orifice of their body. Suffocation begins upon a failed Extreme CON roll. They may attempt to break free with an opposed STR or DEX roll, but as the Spawn's STR is 130 and DEX is 40, hopefully they choose the right one. For an average human, it's the difference between a 14% and 74% chance of success.
    Once again, ranges for CON, DEX, and POW have all changed in the 7e Malleus Monstrorum, though DEX is the only one with a different average.

In a video game...

I thinking the Spawn of Nyogtha are pretty cool, so would like to see them in a video game.

In a film...

The image above shows that the Spawn of Nyogtha look suitably horrific, so would probably make great horror movie monsters.

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