Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Brood of Ubbo-Sathla

The Brood of Ubbo-Sathla are similar in appearance to giant versions of protozoans and other single-celled creatures. Like the Spawn of Abhoth, they are constantly being birthed, and though some are re-absorbed, many do escape. Generally encountered only in Ubbo-Sathla’s primal grotto, no two spawn are exactly alike.

In the RPG...

The Brood of Ubbo-Sathla used to have variable rolled stats, but thankfully these are gone in the 7e Malleus Monstrorum. The Brood attack by absorption, where the victim is digested with an average of 3 hit-points per round. The victim can make an opposed STR roll to escape—with a 20% chance on average. The Brood take minimum damage from impaling weapons while fire and magic harm them normally, but it is not mentioned how non-impaling ones work. Do they have no effect?
    DEX and POW are the only Brood stats to remain the same in the 7e Malleus Monstrorum.

In a video game...

Like the Spawn of Abhoth, I don't think these creatures would work in a video game, purely because no two are the same. It would simply be too difficult to model countless variations.

In a film...

I'm not sure that giant protozoa would really be that scary on screen.

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