Thursday, January 26, 2023

Courtiers of the King in Yellow

Courtiers of the King in Yellow (previously called Pallid Dancers) are dressed in tattered yellow rags like the King in Yellow and wear pale masks, dancing with the grace and rhythm of both a ballerina and a whirling dervish.

In the RPG...

The Courtiers attack by launching into a complex spinning dance with their rags becoming razor-sharp weapons. The dance mesmerizes its victims—via a Hard POW roll—and can only be broken by a subsequent roll once per round (this was previously an opposed roll). They may also use scimitars. Unlike most monsters, every Courtier has the exact same stats, all of which are within human range except for DEX, which is marginally higher. The 7e Malleus Monstrorum has decreased their POW and DEX slightly from the previous edition. 

In a video game...

I think the Courtiers would make for interesting enemies in a video game. If they all looked identical and danced in sync, it could be very creepy.

In a film...

Courtiers have the potential for some real creepiness, and even horror, in a film I think. Being associated with The King in Yellow makes me want to see them even more so.

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