Thursday, January 26, 2023

Hunting Horrors

Hunting Horrors look like large, flying serpents—or perhaps, legless dragons.

In the RPG...

Compared to many of the monsters covered so far, Hunting Horrors are pretty simple beasts. They have 9-point armour, but otherwise no special immunities, and in fact, have one special weakness instead—they suffer damage from strong light (though not much). Hunting Horrors can grasp a person with their tail, which requires an opposed STR roll to escape. This only has a 12% chance for an average Investigator, but as I mentioned with the Fishers from Outside, escape might not be a great option anyway, seeing as the Horror would likely fly away with them.

In a video game...

Due to their simplicity, I would absolutely include a Hunting Horror. They're large and scary, yet still killable. If you count 25 hit-points as killable.

In a film...

Contrary to their video game usability, I think their simplicity would work against them with regards to a film. There are already plenty of films about large, dragon-like monsters.

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