Thursday, January 26, 2023


Hyperboreans were a great race, predating mankind. They lived in Hyperborea—which is now known as Greenland—until the coming of the ice age. Physically, they are practically human, though they tend to be slightly smaller and have long earlobes.

In the RPG...

I knew nothing of Hyperborea or its peoples until researching this blog, and since have come to like the creatures that originate from there, namely the Serpent PeopleVoors, and Voormis. The Hyperboreans, however, are essentially human, so don't interest me as much. I've not read any of the source material, but all the artwork I've seen depicts them in a Norse fantasy style—such as that of Marvel's Thor, or the Skyrim video game—which has never been my thing either.
    The only Hyperborean stat that has changed between editions is EDU, which used to be higher. It is still higher than human, however, as is their INT—both average 75 compared to 65 for humans. As mentioned at the top, Hyperboreans are shorter than humans, averaging 55 to humans' 65.

In a video game...

If I were to include Hyperboreans in a video game, I would probably send the player back to their heyday via Daoloth or other means, or at the least bring some of them to our time.

In a film...

As I said above, I'm not the biggest Norse fantasy fan, so a film set in Hyperborea would not interest me that much. Though having said that, I have seen the Thor films and played Skyrim, so if such a film was made there's a good chance I would still go and see it.

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