Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Mutated Voormis

Mutated Voormis—previously known as Trolls—are larger and more animalistic than their ancestors.

In the RPG...

The 7e Malleus Monstrorum has changed every stat from their Troll counterparts. This is for the best, however, as they were nothing like you envision a Troll to be. They were tiny, for a start—45 SIZ—whereas they are now a much more suitable 140 SIZ (with a parenthetical stating they can get as large as 210). All their other stats have been likewise increased, except for INT and POW, which have gone down.

In a video game...

When I first saw their connection to the Voormis, I was ready to pass on Trolls, but I think with their increased stats, it would make them that little bit more challenging, which would be good.

In a film...

Based on their description being canine-esque, I feel like Mutated Voormis would pretty much look like werewolves, which have been done a hundred times.

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