The Voormis are dog-like humanoids. They were created by the Serpent People as slaves, but escaped captivity when their masters' civilization fell. The Voormis thrived in Hyperborea until the arrival of humans, at which time they were hunted and driven underground. Though mostly extinct, some small colonies still exist.
In the RPG...
The Voormis are pretty standard monsters, simply attacking with claws and teeth. All their stats are otherwise human. Their CON, POW, and DEX have all been increased from 50 to 60 in the 7e Malleus Monstrorum, while INT has retained its average, but had its range increased.
In a video game...
Like most of the other humanoids mentioned so far, the Voormis would make for decent base-level enemies... or simply cannon fodder.
In a film...
I don't think the Voormis have enough uniqueness to star in a film, but if one was ever made that was set in Hyperborea, they would obviously have to make an appearance.
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